Pickled Jalapeños Water Bath Canning Recipe

What’s a girl to do when she plants way more jalapeños in her garden than she can possibly eat?  Make pickled jalapeños obviously!  These are absolutely perfect on nachos, burgers, hotdogs and chili.  It’s a great beginners canning recipe.  It only takes a few minutes of prep work and your ready to go. I love this pickled jalapeños recipe because it is super versatile.  You can use just about any chili pepper you have lying around.  My garden changes every year.  Sometimes I have Jalapeños and sometimes Anaheim chilies.  So just use your favorites. The hardest part about this recipe is waiting to eat them.  You can eat them within a few days, but they are way better after a they have sat a few weeks. A Word About Pickle Crisp If you have never used Pickle Crisp fear not!  Pickle Crisp is basically just Calcium Chloride.  It’s a type of salt that looks like white granules.  It keeps things like pickles from getting soft and soggy in the jar.  The Pickle Crisp is not required.  Just know that if you choose not to use it, your peppers will be soft and not crisp.  Also, be aware that adding too much Pickle Crisp or extra salt will cause your recipe to taste like the sea.  Use wisely. Water Bath Canning You do not have to water bath can these pickled jalapeños if you are planning on eating them within a few days.  I like to can them so that I have them all year long.  They will last up to a year which is perfect since chilies are ripe about the same time every year. If you have minimal or no prior experience with water bath canning please make sure to read my post on it.  You can find step by step instructions here: Water Bath Canning Basics w/ Free Printable Guide You can find additional canning information on the National Center for Home Food Preservation Website Feel free to let me know how the recipes go. This is a great introductory recipe to learn water bath canning. It requires only 4 ingredients to make. Once made, it will last all year long. You will never by store bought pickled jalapeños again.

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